Netop Live Guide Chat Software Enhanced for the Holidays

For those running contact centers we all know the arrival of the holiday season means a virtual tsunami of traffic has and will be heading your way. What it also means is that there is an increase in the amount of internal contact center communications to better manage workflows to help manage the waves of customer interactions. And, while customers know that their interactions increasingly involve the use of chat for interacting with contact center agents instead of a phone call, chat is also an integral part of assuring internal operations running smoothly as well.

There is news on the chat front as interaction solution provider Netop has released a new version of , its popular live chat software used by customer service and technical support teams. The SaaS-delivered software combines text, audio and video chat in a single platform providing:

  • Routing
  • Reporting
  • Remote assistance tools
  • Co-browsing modules

The web-based chat solution which includes support for mobile devices has been enhanced to provide filters for operators in the administrator console, enabling companies with large customer service organizations to more efficiently manage teams of operators. Other enhancements include the ability for administrators to add and edit categories of calls in the chat history which Netop cites as a tool for providing improved reporting functionality and more accurate statistics.

“FedEx and UPS are forecasting record holiday shipments this year, and with that will come record numbers of customer service inquiries,” said Kurt Bager, CEO of Netop. “We’ve designed the new version of Live Guide to help companies meet the challenge of providing personal service that is efficient and effective, even at times of peak demand.”

Multiple media chat, including the growing need for video and collaboration tools are emerging as an integral part of contact center transformations to full omni-channel capabilities, and along with the real-time interaction functionality the information generated for compliance and getting a deeper understanding of customer requirements is critical as well.  Such capabilities as Netop points out are aimed at helping front line employee interactions to be more efficient and effective by improving site conversions, call resolution rates and customer satisfaction. And, like so many contact center tools chat is now available via the cloud.

For those interested in hearing and seeing more about contact center omni-channel developments , January 28-30, 2015 in Miami Beach, is a unique opportunity to see the latest capabilities in action and get your questions answered.  

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