Outsourced Centers Thrive With the Proper Tools

November 03, 2015

In this increasingly complex world, businesses everywhere are seeking whatever edge they can get over the competition. Whether it’s better staffers, better offers or simply a better product, the search goes on.

But what most don’t seem to get is that they might already have an answer in-house, and aren’t utilizing it. That answer is ‘data.’

In a recent blog post, Gerald Sinclair — Product Manager with inContact company Uptivity – examined the use of data and the growing prominence it’s enjoying in today’s business setting.

“If you have ‘liked’ a page on Facebook (NewsAlert) lately, you have probably noticed that other pages – similar to the one that you have recently liked – are displayed on your wall as being recommended just for you,” Sinclair noted. “If you purchase something on Amazon, the next time you return to the site, you will receive product recommendations based on your previous purchase. These are both examples of how analytics are driving business.”

Sinclair broke down five different types on analytics that can help a call center be more effective, and they’re worth noting:

Speech Analytics: “Speech Analytics analyzes voice transactions for keywords and phrases, and can be utilized to identify customer churn, escalations, procedural inefficiencies and customer satisfaction,” Sinclair noted, adding that it’s typically used with a quality management program.

Desktop Analytics: This application, which monitors 100 percent of system performance and agent workstation activities, extends beyond screen capture by potentially providing real time guidance for the agents. “Desktop Analytics is often integrated with a CRM solution and used in conjunction with Speech Analytics to provide a holistic view of agent performance and organizational processes,” he says.

Cross Channel, Multichannel, Omnichannel and Text Analytics: These solutions help identify the channels used by each customer so businesses can interact with them using their preferred channel.

Self-Service Analytics: “Self-service analytics is increasingly beneficial, since customers often complain or opt out of a self-service tool,” Sinclair stated. “This type of solution allows organizations to identify the self-service areas that most discourage customers and therefore implement needed process enhancements and improvements.”

Predictive Analytics: “This type of solution typically works with a CRM tool, cross channel analytics, and/or speech and text analytics to determine the most effective channel in which to communicate,” Sinclair said. It can also suggest products or present the most appropriately skilled agent for the interaction.

Overall, analytics is a powerful tool that can help any call center ‘up its game.’ But like any good tool, it’s useless unless you take it out of the box.

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